Evaluations and Auditions 101

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Evals 101

What is the Evals 101 clinic?

Evals 101 clinic is designed to help dancers and parents navigate evaluations on May 3rd and/or 4th. From a first timer to a seasoned “auditioner”, this clinic will provide insight into LDP’s version of auditions.

Bonus: We will have a parent chat with Ms. Kelli to help parents know how to support your dancer(s) through evals and learn more about our programming next season.

Why should I come to this clinic?

Attending this clinic will provide dancers with a ton of great knowledge on how to audition for any kind of program whether it be in dance, musical theatre, college auditions, job interviews, etc. This unique opportunity is run by the same LDP staff and Artistic Directors who will run your evaluations. We will be able to provide inside knowledge on what we are looking for in evaluations, how the day will go, and what to expect. 

Your LDP Dream Team has a plethora of knowledge and experience within the audition process that can benefit dancers at any level, whether they are just starting out in a competitive program or are aspiring to audition for collegiate or professional positions.

Our Parent Chat is a great opportunity for ALL parents, new to LDP or forever families, to learn about the programming in the next season. In addition, we will talk together about how to prep your dancer for evaluations, and how to help them reflect on their experience afterwards.

As we work with your dancer during our Evals 101 clinic, we will be able to recommend additional Confidence Coaching and other opportunities to help your dancer feel successful and prepared going into evals.

Here are some things we will cover:

  • Why do we do evaluations? 
  • Evaluation process and what to expect
  • Preparation techniques
  • Picking up choreography quickly
  • Self discipline
  • What to wear
  • Time management
  • Confidence building
  • What we are looking for during evals
  • Feedback and self reflection
  • Stress management
  • Individuality and expression
  • Setting realistic goals
  • Audition tips and tricks

Post-Clinic Recommendations

Your faculty will be able to provide you individual feedback as well as recommendations for Confidence Coaching, Summer Sessions, additional classes, and more as we approach evaluations and the end of the season. This will allow us to create a training track, laying out your dancer’s journey to reaching their goals in our Crew and Company programs. 

Event Details

Event Date/Time: April 14th | 10am-1pm

Tap Add On with Ms. Alyson

April 13th | 1pm-3pm

Who: Dancers 4th grade +

Registration: $75

Leighton Dance Project

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