

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”— COCO CHANEL

Dance Studio Folsom

Whether you are just starting your dance journey, or have been dancing for years, our CLUB program has a place for you. Dancers of any age and level may enroll in as few or as many classes as they desire.

All CLUB dancers have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of dance in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Acro Dance classes. Students have the opportunity to perform in our Winter Wonderland (Fall Session), and our Annual Review (Spring Session).

Ideal for recreational dancers

Some dancers just want to move and have fun! We know that whatever you do in life, your dance training will always serve you well, whether you are presenting in front of teachers, demonstrating your confidence in a job interview, or even when you’re having a dance party with friends.

These classes focus on quality training in an upbeat environment.

From Minis to Seniors

We hold classes in a range of styles, six days per week. It is always exciting to see our students forming friendships and mastering new moves.

Dancers pay a monthly tuition (see Tuition & Annual Fees for pricing)

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